A Git client for artists

Anchorpoint and GitHub Desktop are both Git clients. Anchorpoint is made for artists, simplifying game development with features like file locking, LFS support, and visual thumbnails. With its robust asset management, artists can effortlessly organize assets like Blender files before integrating them into the game engine.

Anchorpoint vs GitHub Desktop

About GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop is the official Git desktop application provided by GitHub and was introduced in 2015. Like Anchorpoint, it is fully compatible with the system Git.

It's also the most popular Git client out there and is a good starting point if you're using Git for the first time. It's free and provides an easy way for developers to interact with Git.

What makes Anchorpoint stand out compared to GitHub Desktop?

Reason #1

Made for non-coders

GitHub Desktop is primarily designed with coders in mind. On the other hand, Anchorpoint emerges as a tool for artists. It eliminates the need to configure Git LFS and provides templates for Unity and Unreal.

Conflict resolution, a common pain point, is simplified in Anchorpoint, with support for external merge tools.

Artists can easily view visual thumbnails of various file types like PSD, FBX, etc., making it easier to identify and work with assets. Additionally, its file browser comes with a single file history.

Try Anchorpoint
Version control in Anchorpoint using Git
File locking in Anchorpoint
Reason #2

File locking

The last thing any artist wants is to lose hours of work due to conflicts. Anchorpoint provides instant file locking, clearly indicating who is working on which file. It makes the files read-only, ensuring that the integrity of the work is maintained. All of this is achieved without the need for any additional plugins.

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Reason #3


Anchorpoint stands out by supporting thumbnails for a wide array of graphical formats, be it FBX, GLTF, or PSD. This visual clarity is further enhanced by the ability to comment directly on any file and leave visual annotations, fostering better collaboration and feedback.

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Thumbnails of GLTF, GLB, FBX, OBJ, PSD, BLend, C4d, hdr files in Anchorpoint
Reason #4


Anchorpoint seamlessly integrates with popular Git hosting providers, including Azure DevOps and GitHub. It also works with file-sharing tools like Dropbox, Google Drive, or even S3 storage providers. For game developers, Anchorpoint's integration with Unreal Engine is streamlining the development process and ensuring smoother collaboration.

Reason #5

Asset Management

Users can tag, annotate, and approve assets with ease. It's like using Notion, but specifically for files. Organizing assets, whether they're from Blender, Cinema 4D, or Maya, becomes a no-brainer.

Learn more
Anchorpoint, 3d asset management for animation, games and motion graphics
pushing Git LFS with Anchorpoint to GitHub
Reason #6

Optimized for large files

There is no need to configure the Git LFS, Anchorpoint does it automatically. Anchorpoint has also been tested on large commits involving millions of files and hundreds of GBs.

See how it performs

Feature comparison

Compare how GitHub Desktop and Anchorpoint handle version control and asset management

Try Anchorpoint at no risk

We don't lock you in. Anchorpoint is built on Git, so your files are where you want them to be.
Start a free 14-day trial.
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