Version control using Git and Azure DevOps for Unreal Engine 5

In this article we will set up a Git server on Azure DevOps, that will be the source of truth for your next Unreal project

Matthäus Niedoba
June 14, 2024
min read


If you want to collaborate on a game project, resolving version control (or source control) is one of the first things you need to consider. If you are familiar with Git, you may have heard of GitHub. This allows you to store your game project on a server, so that everybody has access to it. GitHub is great for software development, but for games, there are better solutions out there.

Microsoft Azure DevOps is a Git server and a viable alternative to GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. It provides unlimited storage for Git LFS, which is a blessing for game development with Unity, Godot and Unreal. The free plan allows up to 5 users, which is great to get started. Everything above 5 users comes at a reasonable price of $6 per user per month. This is keeping in mind that it does not bill you for storage, which you will need for textures, movies, audio and 3D files.

Azure DevOps is part of the huge Microsoft Azure ecosystem, which is a direct competitor to AWS from Amazon. It seems a bit overwhelming to get started and this tutorial will help you with that.


In this tutorial, we will use

  • Azure DevOps (a free account is fully fine)
  • Anchorpoint, as our Git desktop application
  • An Unreal Engine project as an example

Setting up your Unreal Engine project

Since Unreal Engine 5, changes on a level can be stored in multiple small files using One File Per Actor. This has multiple benefits:

  • The level is not completely locked for others. Multiple team members can work on the same level at the same time
  • Your commits to version control are lighter, because you don't need to re-upload the whole level
  • You have a better history, because each committed version will display you all the actors that have changed.

If you are using World Partition, the One File Per Actor feature is enabled by default. It not, you have to enabled it here.

Enable one file per actor in Unreal Engine
Enable "Use External Actors" in the World Settings of your level.

Setting up Azure DevOps

Go to and create an account.

Now you have to walk through the typical account creation process. When you are done with that, you will be able to create a new project in DevOps. The process is a bit nasty, but you only need to do it once.

Go to and click on "Start free"
Go to and click on "Start free"
Start the account creation process
Start the account creation process

Azure DevOps UI
This is where you should end. If you are here, you are almost done in DevOps

Git for game development

Anchorpoint is a one-button version control solution optimized for game engines and art assets.
Learn about Anchorpoint

Setting up Anchorpoint

In the next step, you'll need a Git client. This is a desktop application that will push and pull files from your computer to the server. In this tutorial, we will use Anchorpoint, because it is suited for artists and has all the configuration for Unreal or Unity projects ready to go. If you don’t want to use Anchorpoint, there are alternatives like GitHub Desktop or SourceTree.

projects in anchorpoint
Connect Azure DevOps to Anchorpoint
connect integrations in Anchorpoint
Click on "Connect"
Integration authorization in Anchorpoint
Click on "Authorize Anchorpoint"
azure devops
You will get a consent screen which you have to accept
Pick an Azure DevOps organization
Pick your organization, where Anchorpoint should create the repositories and click on "Next"
Anchorpoint azure devops integration
Follow the steps on the screen. You have to enable "Third-party application access via OAuth" on Azure DevOps. Then create the test repository.
Azure devops git credentials
Now it's time to set up the Git credentials. Click on "Login to Azure DevOps" and a separate window will open up, where you have to login to your account.

What happens if something goes wrong

Setting up Azure DevOps can be a bit fragile. We experienced some login issues, that can be solved using a custom credential set. Just open up the section under "Use Custom Credentials" and follow the instruction on the screen.

Creating a project

Now it's time to turn your Unreal project into a Git repository that you can upload to DevOps. Create a project in Anchorpoint and select your project folder on your hard drive. Once you create a new project in Anchorpoint, it will be also created on Azure DevOps due to the integration.

create a project in Anchorpoint
Click on the "New Project" button
Git repositories in Anchorpoint
Browse to the folder with your Unreal files and make sure that the "Template for .gitignore" and the "Remote Settings" are set up correctly. Then click on "Continue"
Invite members
In the last step, you need to invite members, you want to collaborate with. Keep this empty if you don't want to work with them. Each member needs to have an Azure DevOps account as well.

Upload your game project to Azure DevOps

Anchorpoint detects that you have changes that haven't been committed yet. There are files on your computer that are not on the server. You need to enter a message and commit them.

When you entered the message and pressed “commit”, you created a version, which is basically a checkpoint for your project. After that, you can press “Sync” to upload them to Azure DevOps.

Submit Unreal Engine files in Anchorpoint
Your history is empty. Click on Timeline, then on Changed files where you will see a list of files from your project. Anchorpoint understands Unreal Engine actor files and shows the proper name and a thumbnail. Write a meaningful message and press "Sync"

Work in Unreal

Your workflow will be always like this:

  • You work in Unreal
  • You push
  • You work in Unreal
  • You push
  • etc.

During every push, Anchorpoint will check for file changes, which have been made by your teammates and download them, before uploading your changes.

Edit your level in Unreal
Unreal engine changed files in Git
Each actor, that you modify in a level will be displayed here. It will also be locked for others (marked as read only) with file locking so that conflicts will be prevented.

What your team members should do

Your team member needs to have an active Azure DevOps account and an Anchorpoint account. When you invited your team member to an Anchorpoint project, which you did in the step above, they will get a notification. They simply need to click on the invite and join the project. Anchorpoint will ask them, where to store the Git repository. They have to pick an empty folder on their hard drive and then Anchorpoint will download the game project from DevOps.

Clone a git repo in Anchorpoint
Once your team member is invited to the Anchorpoint project, they will be able to download all the project files from Azure DevOps. When they do it for the first time, they also have to connect Anchorpoint and DevOps by entering the DevOps credentials


This is all you need to do to set up a game project with Azure DevOps and Anchorpoint. From now on, you can make changes in Unreal or Unity and commit, push and pull. That’s everything you need to know about Git.

Frequently asked questions

How much das Azure DevOps cost?

Azure DevOps is free for 5 users and costs if your user count is beyond that. Take a look at their pricing. Right now, Azure DevOps does not charge for Git LFS storage. Read more on their blog. This however might change in the future.

What is a .gitignore file?

A .gitignore prevents uploading files, that should not be shared, such as build results or DerivedDataCache. Anchorpoint is setting up a .gitignore file automatically. If you want to know how to customize it, take a look at this article on how to customize your .gitignore for Unreal Engine.

Can I use the Git command line interface instead of Anchorpoint?

You can. Just make sure that you configure your .gitattributes file correctly to use Git LFS.